Thursday, July 14, 2022



"But, but, but... we haz pride and diversity!"

Someone once said that the job of the Marines is to break shit and kill people. I'd include all of the military in that. All of the peacekeeping and PR stuff is secondary. 
Can anyone name anything that the Left does to make it more likely that our armed forces are better able to kill people and break shit?

We are so screwed as a nation. If it's not groomer teachers setting up our kindergarten kids for the pedos down the road then it's our military trying to soften our warfighting capabilities.
Where are the patriot generals putting their stars on the table and going to the media when Democrat politicians come up with BS (lower physical standards, lower mental standards, women in combat arms, etc.) that will end up costing lives in future wars. Oh yeah, they're off to work in the defense industry or MSM upon retirement. 

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