Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Lake Mead: Why the Govt. is Letting it Fail


I don't know much about Lake Mead and what could have been done to avert the current crisis, but I can say something about California's water usage in general.
After years of drought, CA saw record rain and water increases several years ago. Californians (those with sense) were screaming to refill the aquifers and open new reservoirs in order to prepare for the next drought or just their current population.
 Instead of behaving like adults, the CA government released the surplus water to protect some 2" baitfish instead of protecting farmland and citizens. 
CA is now back in a drought situation.
Now they're in crisis without a solution in sight.
But releasing the water needed for people isn't the only thing that CA is doing to increase the water shortage. They are also welcoming any illegal alien that can walk, swim, crawl or be smuggled across the border. While I don't blame the illegals for trying to better their lives (and America does need controlled immigration in limited numbers), the state of CA has a water system set up for about 10mm fewer residents. Adding hundreds of thousands of people to the state every year is only going to magnify the situation.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is yet one more reason why Liberals can't be trusted in any regard. From grooming children in classrooms, to releasing criminals onto the streets, to exacerbating a water crisis...
Liberals cannot be trusted to govern.

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