Monday, November 14, 2022

Why Trump?


Michael Moore doesn't seem to know what he is actually saying. The man spent 5 minutes telling us why Trump is not the usual politician and was actually the "Hope and Change" politician for tens of millions of Americans. I don't think that this was what Moore wanted to actually say.

Go to the 9 minute mark of this video for the beginning of the relevant part.  

Soooo... the first video is from about 6 years ago. The second vid is about a week or so old.
Let's recap. 
Michael Moore, whom we can safely say is no Trump fan, started off by telling us that Trump went to the Detroit Auto Club and informed a bunch of executives that he would put a huge tariff on any cars that they made in Mexican factories. We can safely assume that Trump would prefer the factories to remain in the USA. 
I never heard of this in the news. Sure, Trump often spoke of manufacturing needing to remain in America but I never heard of this Detroit Auto Club speech.
What did he gain by this "Stealth" speech (because it wasn't widely reported in the media)?
Did he make friends among the wealthy executives? Did they clap enthusiastically and start writing checks for his campaign? 
No, he made enemies among the wealthy and powerful while speaking up for the American working class. Not only did he talk the talk but he walked the walk. 

What would Bush have done in Trump's place? 43 would have babbled some gibberish about the wonders of globalism and free trade while stabbing American workers in the back.
What would Hillary have done? She no doubt would have promised the wealthy preferential treatment in taxation while asking for donations to Clinton Foundation. 
What would Obama have done? He too would have asked for money while also demanding that the car companies hire more Blacks, gays and Muslims (or possibly just Gay Black Muslims).
What would Biden have said? I doubt that we'll ever know. I'm sure that it would have been  uncomprehensible gibberish.  It's possible that he might have wandered the floor sniffing children and giving Eskimo kisses to the females in the audience. A Code Brown would not be beyond imagining.
That's just food for thought. From day one, Trump was fighting for the working man (and woman).

Let's look at Chappelle's inadvertent praise of Trump. He mentioned that Trump was honest about the system and taxes. He said that Donald Trump operated under the same tax system as Hillary's and Obama's donors (without mentioning that both politicians are extremely wealthy themselves). 
Chappelle basically said that White voters supported Trump during the 2016 election because of his honesty instead of the usual, "Whites are racist," trope. 
He's partially correct. Trump was honest (about politics) while also becoming the "Hope and Change" candidate for the working class.

    Think about it. One Trump hater screws up and tells us a story in which Trump hurts himself by standing up to job exporting executives. Another Trump hater tells us that the man is actually a different kind of politician that actually tells the truth.
They are both right.
That's why I'll crawl across a parking lot full of broken glass to vote for that goofy orange bastard.

That's my take as I sit here drinking a very good IPA.


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