From Obama's 2008 Father's Day speech in Chicago.
Obama went on to say, "Children who grow up without a father are five times more likely to live in poverty and commit crime; nine times more likely to drop out of schools and 20 times more likely to end up in prison."
From Malcom X:
Malcolm stated, “The white liberal differs from the white conservative in one way. The liberal is more deceitful and hypocritical than the conservatives. Both want power. But, the white liberal has perfected the art of posing as the negro’s (sic) friend and benefactor.” He accused the liberals of using the black Americans as ‘political pawns’ in their political struggle against the conservatives.
And then there are Don Lemon's own words from a few years ago when free speech was still somewhat free.
“Well, it starts in the home. If the father is not in the home, the boy will find a father in the streets. I saw it in my generation and every generation before me and every one since.”
He added, “If the streets raise you, then the judge becomes your mother and prison becomes your home,” reported the Wall Street Journal
That is a Denzel Washington quote. I really don't know if he's a Liberal. I would guess that pics of him in MAGA hats or Tea Party gear are few and far between. If he is a Liberal then he's not one of "Today's" crop of FSA failure Libs.
He has so many wonderful quotes on life and parenting that I wonder where he found the time to act.
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