Thursday, June 27, 2024

Can We Expect A "Fair" Debate?

 CNN Touts Debate Rules; Muted Mics at Biden's Request (

No, Trump can not expect a fair debate. 

"This further feeds into the suspicion that the cards are already stacked against Trump, coming in addition to the fact that the co-moderators are known Trump critics. Both Jake Tapper and Dana Bash have shown open bias toward Trump in the past.

Breitbart News provided examples for both Tapper and Bash:

Below are 15 times Tapper attacked Trump with vicious claims:

  1. Suggested Trump was a nightmare: “For tens of millions of our fellow Americans, their long national nightmare is over.”
  2. Claimed Trump “continues to lie to the American people” about coronavirus testing.
  3. Retweeted a post that called Trump “100% insane.”
  4. Shamed Trump upon being hospitalized for the coronavirus.
  5. Described Trump’s presidency as a “disaster.”
  6. Ran a segment about the alleged shape of Trump’s penis.
  7. Questioned the 2016 election by perpetrating the Russia collusion hoax.
  8. Suggested Trump tried to kill democracy.
  9. Ordered CNN’s control room not to cover Trump live.
  10. Claimed Trump was a “rather angry defendant, saying there’s no case here.”
  11. Refused to cover Trump live due to “potentially dangerous” content.
  12. Suggested Trump was leading the nation “down the drain.”
  13. Accused Trump of siding with Russia during Russia collusion hoax.
  14. Said Trump “sided with the enemy” amid Democrat claims of a stolen 2016 election.
  15. Ordered Trump to “stop whining” after winning the 2016 election.

Below are 15 times Bash attacked Trump with nasty claims.

  1. Accused Trump of “race baiting.”
  2. Suggested Trump is sexist.
  3. Claimed Trump made antisemitic remarks.
  4. Alleged former Vice President Mike Pence’s life was threatened by January 6 rioters provoked by Trump.
  5. Said Trump’s coronavirus briefing was “propaganda” after he contradicted his CDC director.
  6. Accused Trump of being anti-science.
  7. Alleged Trump politicized the pandemic for political benefit.
  8. Said it was “unfortunately for America” that the Supreme Court decided to keep Trump on the ballot.
  9. Claimed Joe Biden “found his voice” after he attacked Trump’s remarks on George Floyd’s death.
  10. Pushed the Russia collusion hoax.
  11. Suggested Trump was unpresidential during his tenure.
  12. Described Trump’s firing of James Comey as like a scene from “The Godfather.”
  13. Accused Trump of “outright lies.”
  14. Said Trump appeared to use racist language against Sen. Mitch McConnell’s wife.
  15. Suggested Trump should say “sorry” for his alleged role in January 6."

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