Tuesday, September 3, 2024

 DEI policies work best when they are designed to include everyone and are backed by evidence, says researcher (msn.com)

DEI is not meant to include "Everyone." If we're honest then we'll all admit that it is meant to promote Black people as a group, a handful of Latinos and LGBT whatever. It does nothing for sane White people, Asians or Indians. Sorry, it is what it is. If you're offended by the truth then follow Candice Owen's advice and "Get a helmet."

When the foundation of DEI stops including the lowering of standards, adding quotas and dumbing down curriculums then it might gain more acceptance.

The ability to explain how hiring the 15th most qualified person for the ER is helpful when Grandma has a heart attack or how employing the 12th most qualified person to rebuild 707 landing gear is a sound business/safety decision would help to sell DEI to the masses. 

Good luck with that.

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