Thursday, September 19, 2024

 Letters to the Editor: Is cheaper bacon really worth throwing away our democracy? (

"Is it really not worth eating two slices of bacon versus four for breakfast (or even none at all) in order to continue to live in a county free of threats to imprison your political opponents? Do you really want to risk living in a Nazi-style nation so you can eat more bacon?"

Nazi-style nation? Do you mean a nation in which the existing government goes after a political rival during an election year in every way possible from lawfare to facilitating assassination attempts through incompetence and inadequate protection? 

From attacks upon Freedom of Speech to assaults upon our electoral process, we are closer to living in a "Nazi-style" nation than ever before in my lifetime.

"In other words, the future of our country, even our democracy, depends on citizens who don't know, don't care, or don't think it matters either way. Democracy is being eaten away by the three-headed monster of ignorance, apathy and cynicism.

Can't we do better than this? In the Information Age, can't we nurture an educated populace that understands how its government works, citizens who care about the future and accept their responsibility to elect leaders who will serve with integrity?"

Sooooo.... tell me about how many primary votes that Kamala got and all of the opponents that she defeated. What? None? She got no votes and defeated no opponents? So much for the Dems "Democracy."

BTW, how many Dems, government officials and media types lied to the American electorate for years about Biden's cognitive ability? 

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