Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Florida Man Learns THE TRUTH Behind Inflation


This 2.25 minutes is over the head of most MSM commentators. 

Consider this. Inflation is generally caused by too much money in circulation. In the past, the Fed has raised interest rates to cut some of the money out of the economy while the government cuts back somewhat on spending. The decrease in money causes a slowdown (possibly a recession) and inflation drops. The Fed and government then increase money supply to help the economy.

So where are we today? The Fed is raising interest rates to decrease the money supply (loans/credit). On the other hand, the Biden Administration is increasing spending at every opportunity.
The Fed is choking off the supply of credit thus driving up the cost of buying homes, cars or adding an assemble line to the local factory.
The Biden Administration, on the other hand, is increasing money supply by attempting to buy votes with more spending (like forgiving school loans).

Other than throwing us into a recession, who knows how this will end? For the only time that I know of, the Fed and government are pulling in opposite directions.

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