Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Conservative But Voting For Biden?

Where to begin? 
Alright, I'll agree that Trump is not a Conservative but he has more Conservative values than most of the Republicans that he ran against in 2016 and clearly checks more Conservative boxes than Joe Biden. We're apparently supposed to believe that good Conservatives and patriots are supposed to vote for a Liberal that is pretty much the anti Reagan.

Joe Biden is going to respect and safeguard the Constitution? Are you fucking serious? 
Biden is going to appoint activist judges and Supreme Court Justices that consider the Constitution a "Living breathing document" with no real meaning based upon history, precedent or the writings of the Founding Fathers.

Joe Biden is going to preserve the rule of law? Doubtful. It's more likely that we'll get another Eric Holder as Attorney General. Portland will become the norm across America.

Let's take a look at energy. Slow Joe has already promised to end fracking and lock up Federal lands for oil production. For the first time in over a half century, America is not dependent on oil from those in the Middle East that hate us. Biden's plan is to make the Mullahs, Russia and Venezuela wealthier while harming America's national security.

But we're going to go green right? All of the green jobs will replace the losses in our current energy sector and provide cheap renewable energy? Those losing oil jobs can just "Learn to code."  Not likely. Wasn't this fairy tale spun during the Obama years? Do you think that the Left is going to allow the massive amount of mining required for uncountable miles of solar farms and windmills? Steel, copper, plastic (oil), and millions of tons of concrete will be needed. We're going to mine and produce that in the USA?
 Nope. The solar panels and windmills will be produced in China and assembled here by companies that employ illegals (future Dems). 

I'm not even going to delve into the sniffing of children in a Biden White House. I imagine that there will be a Girl Scout Czar. Perhaps there will be a Cabinet level position such as Secretary Of Middle School Cheerleaders.

Most thinking people would admit that there is a strong possibility that Joe Biden used his office to enrich his son. It's believed to be almost a certainty by huge numbers of Americans.  Biden cannot be trusted in the most powerful office in the land until he has been cleared of the many allegations.

I can go on and on but what's the point? If you're voting Biden then you're clearly not voting America. You're voting for freebies, quotas, open borders, little to no law enforcement, high energy costs, etc. etc. etc.

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