Saturday, July 22, 2023

A Few Unsaid Things About The "Wealth Gap"

 Biden under pressure to act on reparations as movement to make amends for slavery gains steam (

So why is there a "Wealth Gap" between Whites and Blacks? I don't know all of the reasons, but I do know that systemic racism isn't the leading cause (or even real).

1) Whites graduate HS 3 levels higher than Black students (and Asians beat both groups).

2) Whites marry at almost twice the rate of Blacks. 

3) Whites marry the mother/father of their children at the rate of 76%. Black children are born of wedlock at the rate of 68%.

4) 50% of Black people have never been married compared to 28% of Whites.

5) Most White people are in their upper 50s while the majority of Black people are in their upper 30s.

6) The crime rate in the Black community is ridiculous. Having a criminal record effects both hiring and income.

7) I'm not even going to go into the drop out rate. Our K-12 education system is so badly rigged ("We're not giving 0's for not doing the work." "We're decolonizing math.") that it's pointless to pretend that whatever numbers are out there are actually legit.

I may go back and add a few more items if the mood hits me.

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