Monday, July 17, 2023

Hire The Best

 FBI opens criminal investigations into violent Los Angeles County deputy encounters (

I'll make this quick. Cops are underpaid and if some idiotic politician decides to "Defund" the police and cut pay or staffing then they need to bear the consequences of their actions. No "Private Security" for them at tax payer expense.

If you pay cops a good wage then they won't need to have a side hustle in order to make ends meet. They shouldn't need 70 hour work weeks every single week. Perhaps the officers could do wild and crazy things like decompress while off, work out, train and do all of those things that make an officer more professional. Do you ever wonder why 2-3 cops can't get the cuffs on one skinny criminal? How much weight training or BJJ do you think that these cops are doing while off? Very little if every week entails mandatory OT for staffing shortages or chosen OT due to low wages.

Pay the best, hire the best and hold them accountable for their actions. You'll stop getting cops that are hitting women in the face while they're holding a baby.


If you're actually paying for the best then you need to hire the best. This doesn't mean hiring the best of a certain race or gender. It doesn't mean that you're hiring the best Somali-American cop or the one that's covered in glitter with 17 pronouns. You need the most qualified officer that you can find for a given wage. Period. Otherwise you are just wasting your time.

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