Friday, July 21, 2023

"Stop Hiring White Pilots" Colonel Wootan USAF


I read an article a few years back about why the Israeli Army beat the neighboring Arab armies again and again. The hypothesis was that their soldiers were loyal to their country, their people and to each other. On the other hand, the Arabs would put some goat molester in charge of their military that was either related to their dictator or at least loyal to him. Merit played no part in the mix. Competence left town. Sound familiar? 

As for the troops, their loyalty was first to their family, their clan/tribe, their fellow Muslims and maybe at some point... their country. No one was really fighting for their country first and foremost. So when things got bad... they quit.

If you look at Iraq, you'll see that they had their "Elite" Republican Guard. The regular Army was cannon fodder and the Republican Guard got the better equipment and training as they were more loyal to Sadamn. The Iranian Revolutionary Guard are loyal to the Grand Ayatollah and they too get better training and gear than the regular army. Personal loyalty to the powers that be trump competence and leadership.

I wonder if that's where we're headed. Replace merit with loyalty to the Party (DNC) and a Libtard ideology instead of the nation. Destroy camaraderie and have the troops hate each other instead of having enough unit cohesion to say "NO!" to illegal orders. I wonder how long before every platoon has a DEI commissar ensuring loyalty to whatever crazy $h!t the Left believes in this week.

I suspect that we're almost there.

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