Monday, May 27, 2024

A Few Biden Lies

 Biden is accused of repeating long-running lie in commencement address (

Biden claims he was 'appointed' to Naval Academy and wanted to play football, but declined | Watch (

PolitiFact | Ad Watch: Fact-checking a video about Biden’s academic record

"Biden graduated from Syracuse University’s law school in 1968, but not in the top half of his class. He also did not receive three undergraduate degrees. And, according to a September 1987 Newsweek report, Biden didn’t attend law school on a full academic scholarship, either.

In a statement published in response to the Newsweek story, and covered by the New York Times, Biden said his "recollection of this was inaccurate.''

"Biden graduated 76th of 85 students in his law school class"

PolitiFact | Fact-checking Joe Biden on being a full professor for four years

Fact check: Biden repeats his false claim that he ‘used to drive an 18-wheeler’ | CNN Politics

PolitiFact | Social media posts are making claims about a Biden family tragedy. Here are the facts

PolitiFact | Joe Biden repeats False tale that he got arrested during Civil Rights era

Joe Biden drops claim he was arrested seeing Mandela (

Fact check: Biden repeats his claim that he ‘got arrested’ defending civil rights. There’s still no evidence for it | CNN Politics

Biden repeats questionable claim he frequented Black church during civil rights movement | Fox News

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