Thursday, May 30, 2024

The HATING White People To DATING White People Pipeline


Let me explain the "White people are the most dangerous" comment. A leftwing think tank put out a bit of propaganda during the Obama years about White Nationalists being a bigger threat than Muslim terrorists. 
They put their research out in public which turned out to be a mistake for them.
They started their clock after 9/11 and left out Muslim terrorism in the USA such as the DC Sniper, the Pulse Nightclub attack, the husband/wife attack in San Bernadino, the Fort Hood shooter, the Recruiting Office attack and others. 
On the other hand, if a criminal ever watched a WWII movie with Nazis in it we were told that the bad guy was a White Nationalist.
Anyway... junk stats.

BTW, remember when I said that publishing their research made them look dishonest? Someone learned from that. I believe that this is why we can't find the "93% peaceful" research.

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