Saturday, May 25, 2024

Green Beret meets Delta Force Operator


Think about this. The guy in the video talks about turning on his laser (infrared) when asked about his intersecting field of fire. The other guy a bit to his side did the same. They could see where their rifles were pointed in their night vision googles.

Guess what?

They couldn't do that today because Joe Biden left $83 billion dollars of military gear behind when we ran out of Afghanistan. He turned a bunch of little boy molesting and goat raping tribesmen into a first world army. Some of that gear has been sold throughout the middle east and it would be ridiculous to believe that none of it ended up in China or Russia.

Long story short...
If the soldier in the video turned on his IR laser today in that situation it is likely that a man at the target would see it, follow it back to his location and shoot him. The ambush would be blown and Americans would die.

This is the military version of Bidenomics.

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