Saturday, February 25, 2023

Amazing High School Goes VIRAL For All The WRONG Reasons!


I have a few points regarding this amazing looking HS. 

1) The school is over 3x larger than the average HS. A school with 5,000 students is much more likely to need multiple gyms and a larger library. Increasing the size tends to make things somewhat more efficient in regards to space. You only need one office, one nurses station, etc. At a certain point it becomes more efficient going larger. I suspect that the square footage of this school is much less than that of 3 combined high schools needed for 5,000 students.

2) The pool is nice, the wrestling gym is great, the cafe looks amazing, etc. etc. etc.  None of these things helped raise the GPA of the students and guess what? The parents that paid for all of this seem fine with the school. Their children have higher grades than their peers in other districts and that is not due to shiny hallways and multiple gyms. 

3) That was a very attractive looking school. I don't believe that they have janitor magic going on. If the neighboring schools are covered in filth and graffiti then perhaps the parents and school administrators there can take some action instead of whining.
There's a saying, "When you buy a home, you're buying a school." It's entirely true. We pay more money for homes in good school districts.

4) As the creator of the video stated, this school only receives about $9,000 per student. The bulk of the funding comes from local property taxes. Here's the thing. These local parents care enough about their kids that they are willing to pay higher property taxes to ensure that they have this wonderful local school. It's doubtful that the parents would move to some $hithole district with a broken school system if this HS was not available. It's likely that they would do what wealthy Liberals (those whining) generally do when faced with awful local schools. They'd use private schools. 
At least the community gets this wonderful public school out of the increased property taxes instead of the well off academically concerned parents scattering and putting their money into private schools.

5) If you're a failure (those running neighboring schools) then it's easier blaming others than fixing your own problems. This is especially true when politics, race pimping, etc. becomes involved.


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