Sunday, February 19, 2023

More On Failing Schools

 Biden's accidental endorsement of school choice reveals the deep rot in public education (

 "I don't believe that systemic racism exists in most of our nation's institutions, but it definitely exists in our public school systems. What other explanation is there for a philosophy that says the public school model is more important than their ability to succeed in life?"

The author of this piece puts no blame on the parents (most likely a single parent or grandparent) raising the kids. The children and parents apparently bear no responsibility for their actions or apathy. 

I attended some of the worst inner city schools in my area and whole heartedly agree with school choice. Unlike Liberals that are fine with education failures running for years if not decades, I am a huge supporter of school choice and vouchers.

With that said, I also know people that have decades in teaching. I've heard the stories again and again about children that do absolutely nothing in class. I wish that I had a dollar for every time that I've heard about the parent(s) blaming the school, teacher and/or racism for their child's failures.

Yes, I have no doubt that Baltimore City Schools are horrible but let's be honest. The curriculum nationwide has been dumbed down, the grading scale has been lowered and schools will simply give out points for no reason other than dragging some students across the finish line. 

A little effort on the part of the children and parents would have gone a long way towards at least getting a 'D' or some form of passing score.

So the students in Baltimore are supposedly failing because of the "Systemic Racism" in this mostly Black city where the schools are filled with mostly Black kids, mostly Black teachers and mostly Black administrators. They are overseen by mostly Black school commisioners and a Black School Superintendent. I'm not looking up the Mayor and City Council but there is no doubt that they are also Black.

You know what, I will look them up. Both my Googlefu and coffee are strong this morning.

Mayor Brandon M. Scott        Council Members

Black people in Baltimore control everything from the culture (of school failure) to City Hall. They control the police dept, education dept, the purse strings and the taxes. I'll say it again.. they have control. On top of that, White teachers in Baltimore are likely to overwhelmingly Liberal as education is about as Conservative as a BLM rally.

Systemic racism isn't the problem in Baltimore schools. It would take a special kind of idiot to believe that it's the issue. It's a damn shame, the next Ben Carson could be attending school in Baltimore and falling so far behind year after year that he (or she for that matter) will never realize his potential.

But that's my opinion. I'm just a fat middle aged White guy from the county. Somehow, I am supposed to be the problem.

Baltimore's public schools show why all students need school choice (

Academic apocalypse in Baltimore (

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