Saturday, August 29, 2020

Kyle Rittenhouse - Let's talk facts in the Kenosha Wisconsin shooting from a Lawyer's standpoint

Colion Noir makes really good videos. The guy made me want a Wilson Combat EDC X9 when I haven't really cared about M1911s or Wilson Combat for years. He's a lawyer in addition to being a gun guy so his perspective is always interesting when discussing shootings. 
I do have two points to make about this video though. I don't believe that this was ever a protest. It seemed to go straight from 0 to riot immediately. 
My second point is that Colion Noir has no idea what the "Protesters" who were chasing Kyle Rittenhouse saw before giving chase. Maybe they thought that Kyle was a random bad guy that shot one of their fellow rioters... Perhaps they saw the entire episode enfold, and didn't really care about who the guilty party was. We don't know.
As always, this was an informative video and worth a look.

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