Monday, August 24, 2020

White Supremacist Richard Spencer Endorses Joe Biden

White Supremacist Richard Spencer Endorses Joe Biden

Richard Spencer Backs Joe Biden, Says 'MAGA/Alt-Right Moment is Over'

  I wonder how much coverage this will get from CNN and MSNBC. Will Joe Biden be called upon again and again to disavow Richard Spencer?


  It's actually pretty smart for a White Supremacist to endorse Joe Biden. Think about it. He would most likely appoint another Eric Holder type (Leftist race pimp) to be Attorney General. The new AG would most likely either endorse the rioting across America to some degree (sure they're violent but they're fighting racism so it's OK) and possibly penalize police departments for trying to stop the violence.

 As the violence, rioting, looting, etc. grows then more and more of White America begins to look at the alternative to the Dems. The Klan is a joke and Nazis are repugnant. I could see the White Supremacists putting out another spoke in the crazy wheel though. Perhaps a lighter less holocausty version of the Nazi Party.

  We've seen something similar in Europe. It almost makes me wonder if it was planned. The Europeans imported hundreds of thousands of violent 3rd world Muslims into their countries. Rapes and child molestations went through the roof while the politicians did little or nothing to prevent it. In many cases the governments of Europe hushed up the abuse and/or excused it ("We have to teach them not to rape"). Freaking Sweden has become the rape capital of the world due to this immigration nightmare.
 BTW, they now also have a great deal of problems with bombings across their country. I wonder when that starts here?

  What was the result? Far Right Nationalism is on the rise across Europe. It's still in it's infancy but it's a helluva lot greater than 5-10 years ago.
  It's almost like someone wrote a script. It was certainly a predictable outcome.

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